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Study spaces

Our libraries are designed to offer effective and appropriate study spaces for various different types of study. Read below for more information on where the most appropriate library space is for the type of study you wish to engage in.

Book a group study space at City Campus Library.

Study Space Terms & Conditions:

Study spaces are bookable in 1 hour blocks to a maximum of 3 hour periods in a day. If you book and don't turn up repeatedly for a group space you will lose the right to book these spaces.

Use cafes and lunch spots elsewhere in the college for eating, leave your space clean and tidy and place any rubbish in the bins provided.

The library team reserve the right to ask you to move to Level 4 or Level 5 if you are on your own and a group requires a space.

Please consider others using the spaces beside you and keep your conversations at a reasonable level. If you want to socialise with your friends, use the Student's Association on Level 2.


City Campus Library LEVEL 3

• Group study area where students can discuss their work together.
• Study related talking allowed on this level.
• Bookable booths for private group work.
• Laptops available for borrowing for use in library only, student card required to borrow.
• Multi-port screens for presenting work via laptops and sharing with others.
• Printers and cutting board/workspace.
• Book/DVD sale.
• No staff available at the service point - please go to Level 4 for staff assistance.


City Campus Library LEVEL 4

• Mixed study area – individual study spaces as well as small groups of computers.
• Low-level study related chatter permitted on this level so long as it does not interfere with other people studying.
• Mixture of High-Spec PCs, Thin Clients and Macs.
• Two flat-bed scanners connected to PCs.
• Service point with staff available for help and support.
• Non-fiction, fiction, journals and DVDs available from this floor.
• ESOL and language collection.
• Staff development section also available.
• Self-service issue/return machine.
• Printers and cutting board/workspace.
• 'Library Search' kiosk.
• Access lift to fifth floor of the library.


City Campus Library LEVEL 5

• Quiet and silent study areas.
• No discussions permitted on this level.
• No staff available at the service point, please go to Level 4 for staff assistance.
• Computers and Macs for individual study.
• Two flat-bed scanners connected to PCs.
• Non-fiction, journals and DVDs available from this floor.
• Reference section.
• Self-service issue/return machine.
• Printers and cutting board/workspace.
• 'Library Search' kiosk.
• Access lift to fourth floor of the library.


Riverside Campus Library

• Quiet and silent study areas.
• Group study spaces available - no need to book.
• Multi-port screens for presenting work via laptops and sharing with others.
• Computers and Macs for individual study.
• All books, journals and DVDs available from this floor.
• Reference section.
• Self-service issue/return machine.
• Printers and cutting board/workspace.
• 'Library Search' kiosk.