Bookshelf Locations
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Most books and resources in the library have a shelf number, to help you find them. Shelf numbers run from 000 to 999 and organise books by subject. You can find the shelf number for any title when you search for a book on our catalogue.
Shelf numbers are normally followed by the first three letters of the author’s surname. So for instance, Practical Cookery by David Foskett has the shelf number 641.5 FOS.
At City campus library, we keep all books with numbers from 0 up to 639 on Level 4 and books from 640 to 999 on Level 5. So Practical Cookery, at 641.5 is on Level 5. All Riverside campus titles are held on the one floor.
Signs at the end of each row of bookshelves list the subjects and shelf numbers of books in that row. To find out where the books for your subject are located, look at the table below.
City Campus
Research & Interview Methods (001-003) |
Computing (004-010) |
News Media & Journalism (070-079) |
General Philosophy (100-129) |
Psychology (150-159) |
Philosophy & Ethics (160-199) |
Religion (200-299) |
Sociology (300-302.1) |
Media & Culture (302.2-307) |
Politics (320-329) |
Economics (330-339) |
Law (340-349) |
Social Problems & Social Care (360-363) |
Crime (364-366) |
Education (370-370.9) |
Commerce & Transportation (380-389) |
Fashion (390-393) |
Events (394-394.9) |
Customs, Etiquette and Folklore (395-399) |
ESOL Reading Levels (1-6) |
English Language (400-429) |
English Language Dictionaries (413-429) |
Foreign Languages (430-499) |
Mathematics (500-519) |
Physics & Chemistry (520-549) |
Natural World (550-590) |
Medicine (610-610.9) |
Human Anatomy and Physiology (611-612) |
Health & Fitness (613-614) |
Holistic Therapies (615-616) |
Sports Therapy (617-619) |
Engineering (620-628) |
Agriculture & Animal Husbandry (630-639) |
Food & Drink (641-641.4) |
Cookery & Table Service (641.5-642) |
Households & Sewing (643-646.6) |
Hair & Beauty (646.7-646.8) |
Hospitality (647-647.9) |
Child Rearing (649-649.8) |
Business (650-656) |
Accounting (657-657.9) |
Business (658-658.7) |
Marketing, PR & Advertising (658.8-659) |
Food Science (660-664) |
Manufacturing and Mastercrafts (665-685) |
Typography & Print (686-686.9) |
Construction (690-698) |
Art (700-709.9) |
Architecture (710-728) |
Interior Design (729-729.8) |
Sculpture, Ceramics & Jewellery (730-739) |
Drawing, Graphic Design & Illustration (740-744) |
Design & Decorative Arts (745-745.9) |
Fashion & Textiles (746-746.9) |
Interior Decoration (747-749) |
Painting (750-759) |
Printmaking (760-769) |
Photography (770-779.9) |
Music (780-789) |
Film & Performing Arts (790-794) |
Sports (796-799) |
Literature (800-899) |
History (900-909) |
Travel (910-919) |
Biographies (920-929) |
History (930-999) |
Riverside Campus
Physics (530) |
Engineering (620 - 621.69) |
Mechanical Engineering (620.1 - 621.2) |
Electrical Engineering (621.3 - 621.38043) |
Electronic Engineering (621.381 - 621.385) |
Thermodynamics (621.402 - 621.4021) |
Maritime Studies (623 - 627.98) |
Nautical Science (623 - 627.98) |
Shipping & Maritime Operations (623.8 - 623.854) |
Marine Engineering (623.87 - 623.875) |